New Data: Asthma

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Statistics on asthma diagnosis from the California Health Interview Survey are now available on From the years 2011-18, these estimates include people who have ever been diagnosed with asthma. Risk factors for asthma can include exposure to cigarette smoke, microbes in the environment, and poor air quality from pollution or allergens.

Performance: 14.7% of Californians reported having ever been diagnosed with asthma between the years 2011 and 2018. Solano County had the highest asthma prevalence rate with 21.4% of its population having been diagnosed.

Disparity: Statewide, Non-Latinx American Indians and Alaska Natives have the highest asthma rate (22.7%) and Non-Latinx Asians the lowest (12.0%). Orange County reported the greatest disparities in asthma rates, with county Non-Latinx Pacific Islanders having the lowest asthma rate (7.4%) and Non-Latinx Black residents having the highest (23.0%).

Impact: The California Health Interview Survey estimates that 5,500,000 Californians had ever been diagnosed with asthma between 2011 and 2018. Non-Latinx Whites were numerically, the largest racial/ethnic group: an estimated 2,308,000 non-Latinx Whites have been diagnosed with asthma.

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